Get 34% OFF of MSRP and Unlock Your Exclusive Bonus Spell when You Reserve the Wizard Tag Arena Kit today!
To receive this offer, simply place a $1 deposit and you will be locked in for 34% OFF of our expected MSRP of $4500 and you will get our exclusive VIP Bonus Spell, available only for VIP backers.
That means you’ll pay just $2999 when we launch!
See the FAQs below to see more VIP Venue perks.
Why do we want your refundable $1 reservation? It helps us determine how many to produce, so we avoid overproducing, it’s better for the environment, and we all save money!
Check your email for the Invite!
Check your inbox for an email from magic@wizardtag.com for the link to reserve your Arena Kit and become a VIP Venue!
These are the most commonly asked questions about our product, the reservation, and crowdfunding.
Arena Kit Contents
12 Wands at best discount
Retention straps and charging cables
Waterproof hard travel case with custom inserts
VIP Venue Perks
♦ Unique Wand color available for VIP Venues.
♦ Wands in the Arena Kit will contain current Wizard Tag Spells at Max Level.
Our website will list businesses that are signed up to get their Arena Kit from our Kickstarter:
♦ Your logo will be displayed on our campaign page and website.
♦ Your business will be pinned on our map as a venue that will have Wizard Tag.
100% Refund Guarantee.....
If you cancel your reservation, we guarantee you a full refund at any time before the project moves into production.
Transparency Guarantee
We will be transparent about the progress of our project throughout the entire campaign.
Secure Payment
All orders are processed through our secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.